Entries by admin

What’s Involved in Building a Green Roof?

Photo of a growing succulent in a bucket of fresh soil

Homeowners are typically open to any efforts that will effectively help to reduce their utility bills as well as their imprint on the environment, and green roofs can help do exactly that.

Creating a “green roof” with plants can slow…

Top Tips for Selling With Pets in Your Home

Photo of a woman sitting on a sofa while petting her adorable dog on the floor

Whether you’ve got dogs, cats, hamsters, or bunnies running around at home, they’re part of the family. We love our pets, but that doesn’t mean potential buyers necessarily want to see them – or any evidence of them – when…

6 Features Homebuyers Will Love

When it comes time to sell your home, take a close look around and see if your place has the goods that buyers are looking for. Considering the magnitude and expense of such a purchase, buyers want to fall in…

7 Qualities of an Excellent Neighborhood

Location, location, location. The phrase may have become somewhat of a cliché in the world of real estate, but it still remains the most important factor in determining the true value of a property. When you’re in the market to…

Simple Ways to Save Money and Energy at Home

It costs a lot of money to maintain a home, but you might be spending more than is necessary. Your utility bills can be lowered significantly by reducing the amount of energy used in your home, and doing so may…